Nestled in the hidden depths of the Cascade Mountains in the Pacific Northwest lies Bonniver Compound, a clandestine sanctuary among several such enclaves scattered across Earth. These compounds are the cradle of an ancient alien hybrid initiative orchestrated millennia ago by the enigmatic Divinara Aliens. After meticulously interbreeding with humans and establishing these advanced havens, the Divinara retreated to their distant world.
Over the eons, the Divinara have monitored with bated breath, anticipating the resurgence of traits long lost from their genetic tapestry — traits that might reemerge within the hybrids on Earth.
Each compound harbors a Guard Academy, established by the original alien architects yet now manned entirely by humans. These academies train recruits to safeguard the hybrid project. Among them, an elite faction is tasked with a crucial mission: to update the Divinara on the unfolding evolution of their ambitious project.
However, in the past 18 years, a subtle yet profound shift has occurred. Relationships between the Guard Academy's recruits and the hybrid aliens have frayed, now veiled in a precarious facade of politeness, hinting at deeper undercurrents of tension and unresolved conflict.
Declynn Rhowe, Author
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